如果在安装的时候没有勾选 Install Python for all users,则python的环境变量应保存在上半框中的Path中;如果安装的时候勾选了Install Python for all users,则python的环境变量应保存在下班框中的Path中。(是否勾选需要所有python版本在安装时保持一致)
Usage: pipenv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--where Output project home information.
--venv Output virtualenv information.
--py Output Python interpreter information.
--envs Output Environment Variable options.
--rm Remove the virtualenv.
--bare Minimal output.
--man Display manpage.
--support Output diagnostic information for use in
GitHub issues.
--site-packages / --no-site-packages
Enable site-packages for the virtualenv.
--python TEXT Specify which version of Python virtualenv
should use.
--clear Clears caches (pipenv, pip). [env var:
-q, --quiet Quiet mode.
-v, --verbose Verbose mode.
--pypi-mirror TEXT Specify a PyPI mirror.
--version Show the version and exit.
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
Usage Examples:
Create a new project using Python 3.7, specifically:
$ pipenv --python 3.7
Remove project virtualenv (inferred from current directory):
$ pipenv --rm
Install all dependencies for a project (including dev):
$ pipenv install --dev
Create a lockfile containing pre-releases:
$ pipenv lock --pre
Show a graph of your installed dependencies:
$ pipenv graph
Check your installed dependencies for security vulnerabilities:
$ pipenv check
Install a local setup.py into your virtual environment/Pipfile:
$ pipenv install -e .
Use a lower-level pip command:
$ pipenv run pip freeze
check Checks for PyUp Safety security vulnerabilities and against
PEP 508 markers provided in Pipfile.
clean Uninstalls all packages not specified in Pipfile.lock.
graph Displays currently-installed dependency graph information.
install Installs provided packages and adds them to Pipfile, or (if no
packages are given), installs all packages from Pipfile.
lock Generates Pipfile.lock.
open View a given module in your editor.
requirements Generate a requirements.txt from Pipfile.lock.
run Spawns a command installed into the virtualenv.
scripts Lists scripts in current environment config.
shell Spawns a shell within the virtualenv.
sync Installs all packages specified in Pipfile.lock.
uninstall Uninstalls a provided package and removes it from Pipfile.
update Runs lock, then sync.
upgrade Resolves provided packages and adds them to Pipfile, or (if no
packages are given), merges results to Pipfile.lock
verify Verify the hash in Pipfile.lock is up-to-date.
#Use Default python version to create a virtual enviroment
pipenv install
#Use python VERSION to create a virtual enviroment
pipenv --python VERSION
#Open a shell in virtual enviroment
pipenv shell
#Already used "pipenv shell" command, want to quit this virtual enviroment
#Remove virtual enviroment in current path
pipenv -rm
#Show all package in this virtual enviroment
pipenv graph
#Install a package
#Only recommend in a virtual enviroment
pip install PACKAGENAME
#Uninstall a package
#Only recommend in a virtual enviroment
pip uninstall PACKAGENAME
#List all package in current enviroment
pip list
#For a specific version python
py -V:VERSION -m pip list
#Only recommend in a virtual enviroment
python -m pip install –-upgrade PACKAGENAME
#Update pip
py -V:VERSION -m pip --uppgrade pip
#Freeze current pip package enviroment in requirements.txt at CURRENT PATH
#Only recommend in a virtual enviroment
#Use "pipenv shell" before using this command
pip freeze > requirements.txt
#Unfreeze a pip package enviroment from requirements.txt at CURRENT PATH
#Only recommend in a virtual enviroment
#Use "pipenv shell" before using this command
pip install -r requirements.txt
#For help
pip --help