Autopsy® is the premier end-to-end open source digital forensics platform. Built by Basis Technology with the core features you expect in commercial forensic tools, Autopsy is a fast, thorough, and efficient hard drive investigation solution that evolves with your needs.
个人感觉 Autopsy 是有两个版本的,一个是Windows上的,由 Java 语言编写,目前大版本是 4,拥有比较完善的功能,页面布局和取证大师、Encase 等工具比较像;另外一个是 Linux 上面的,由C语言编写,提供了一个简易的Web前端(甚至没有用到 JavaScript),可以通过包管理器安装(Kali Linux 自带了),拥有镜像查看、关键词搜索、时间线分析等功能,这个 Autopsy 有比较长的开发历史了,准确说是 thesluthkit 的一个图形化界面,而不是 Windows 上面的 Autopsy 那种比较完备的综合取证工具。需要注意的是,笔者此处的说法并不严谨,使用 Java 语言编写的 Autopsy 也是提供了 Linux 和 MacOS 版本的,只是安装配置相对耗费时间,有需求的可以参考官网文档和下载的程序包里面的指引进行安装。
X-Ways Forensics is an advanced work environment for computer forensic examiners and our flagship product. Runs under Windows XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/8.1/2012/10/2016/2019/11*, 32 Bit/64 Bit, standard/PE/FE. (Windows FE is described here, here and here.) Compared to its competitors, X-Ways Forensics is more efficient to use after a while, by far not as resource-hungry, often runs much faster, finds deleted files and search hits that the competitors will miss, offers many features that the others lack, as a German product is potentially more trustworthy, comes at a fraction of the cost, does not have any ridiculous hardware requirements, does not depend on setting up a complex database, etc.! X-Ways Forensics is fully portable and runs off a USB stick on any given Windows system without installation if you want. Downloads and installs within seconds (just a few MB in size, not GB). X-Ways Forensics is based on the WinHex hex and disk editor and part of an efficient [workflow model]( Investigator (English).pps) where computer forensic examiners share data and collaborate with investigators that use X-Ways Investigator.
You may use the simultaneous search to systematically search multiple hard disks or disk images in a single pass for words like "drug", "cocaine", (street synonym #1 for cocaine), (street synonym #2 for cocaine), (street synonym #3 for cocaine), (street synonym #3 for cocaine, alternative spelling), (name of dealer #1), (name of dealer #2), (name of dealer #3) etc. at the same time. The search results can narrow down the examination to a list of files upon which to focus.
The simultaneous search can be used to search physically in sectors or logically in file or in a previously created index. Physically, it searches the sectors on a medium in LBA order (except if you search upwards, then in reverse order). If you do not have WinHex list the hits of a physical search, you may use the F3 key to search for the next hit. Logically, the search proceeds file by file, which is preferable and much more powerful and thorough. More about the logical search.
You can search the same search terms simultaneously in up to 6 code pages. The default code page, that is active in your Windows system, is marked with an asterisk and initially preselected. E.g. on computers in the US and in Western Europe, the usual default code page is 1252 ANSI Latin I. The code pages named "ANSI" are used in Microsoft Windows. "MAC" indicates an Apple Macintosh code page. "OEM" indicates a code page used in MS-DOS and Windows command prompts. If a search term cannot be converted to the specified code page because of characters unknown in that code page, a warning is issued. Code page independent GREP searches for exact byte values are possible when searching in a "non" code page called "Direct byte-wise translation for GREP", which translates byte values without any mapping for certain code pages or case matching. X-Ways Forensics also allows to search in both little-endian and big-endian UTF-16, and in any regional Windows code page plus UTF16 with the MS Outlook cipher (compressible encryption) applied.
Windows 版本信息:Windows internal version,Windows installation date,Windows product ID,Windows CD key,Windows name,Windows build number,Service pack,Last logged on user,Default Internet Browser
计算机名称:Active computer name
Windows 安装语言(也不知道是不是正在使用的语言):Windows installation language
可移动设备:Windows portable devices
启用的服务:Services installed
查看安装了的软件:Install date of ,Name of program Uninstall,Install date of Uninstall,Location of program Uninstall,Source of program Uninstall,Name of program
默认网关MAC:Default Gateway MAC
本机MAC(看起来可能会更齐全):This computer's MAC address
DHCP指定的IP:DHCP assigned IP Address
本地连接网络:Network connection
TCP/IP网络名称:Tcpip host name
网卡信息:Model description of installed network card
IE输入记录:URLs typed in Internet Explorer
打开过的文件:Documents opened,Recent File List
用户账户(但是看不到用户名,只能看到SID):`User Account
最后登录用户:Last logged on user
最后登录时的计算机名称(不知道具体什么作用):Last Computer Name
用户自定义的文件夹(NTUSER.DAT):User-specific directories
各个用户对应的UID(这个很有用,可以对照着查):User ID of Administrator
比如搜索 Windows internal version 即可获取到 Windows 的版本信息: