format : >>> msg = "my name is {}, and age is {}" >>> msg.format("alex",22) 'my name is alex, and age is 22' >>> msg = "my name is {1}, and age is {0}" >>> msg.format("alex",22) 'my name is 22, and age is alex' >>> msg = "my name is {name}, and age is {age}" >>> msg.format(age=22,name="ale") 'my name is ale, and age is 22' format_map >>> msg.format_map({'name':'alex','age':22}) 'my name is alex, and age is 22'
maketrans >>> intab = "aeiou" #This is the string having actual characters. >>> outtab = "12345" #This is the string having corresponding mapping character >>> trantab = str.maketrans(intab, outtab) >>> >>> str = "this is string!!!" >>> str.translate(trantab) 'th3s 3s str3ng 2x1mpl2....w4w!!!'
msg.partition('is') 输出 ('my name ', 'is', ' {name}, and age is {age}')
>>> "alex li, chinese name is lijie".replace("li","LI",1) 'alex LI, chinese name is lijie'
msg.swapcase 大小写互换
>>> msg.zfill(40) '00000my name is {name}, and age is {age}'
while not exit_flag: for k in current_layer: print(k) choice = input(">>:").strip() if choice == "b": current_layer = layers[-1] #print("change to laster", current_layer) layers.pop() elif choice not in current_layer:continue else: layers.append(current_layer) current_layer = current_layer[choice]